I have a question about...
Can I purchase Reducept for someone else?
Yes, you can. You can purchase Reducept online or tell a friend by entering the email address here.
Where can I try Reducept?
You can try Reducept through the Reducept demo in the Oculus Store. You can also contact your nearest Reducept clinic. You can find Reducept clinics here.
What if it doesn’t work for me?
You can cancel your subscription at any time. Be aware that Reducept has an effect if you train regularly. We therefore advise you to use it at least once a week during a period of at least 4 weeks.
Is Reducept reimbursed?
Reducept is not yet reimbursed by the insurers. Unfortunately, we cannot make any statements about the expected duration of this process.
If I take out an annual subscription and I don't want to receive any more updates, will the software still work?
If you don't pay anymore, the software version won't work anymore. The program will work as long as the license agreement is running.
Are updates included in the subscription in addition to the software?
All updates and extensions are included in the subscription.
Does the software stop automatically when the year has passed?
No, because the subscription renews automatically. If you do stop, the software license will continue for the period you paid for.
Can I still use the training if I cancel my subscription?
If you cancel your subscription, you no longer have access to the app anymore. In other words, the app will stop automatically along with your subscription.
Which VR headset do I need to use Reducept?
Reducept only works on the Oculus Go VR Headset. The Oculus Go (32gb) is available at Coolblue at a starting price of 229 euro(prices may vary).
How much does VR headset cost?
The Oculus Go (32GB) is available at Coolblue at a starting price of 229 euro (prices may vary).
How much is a subscription for private individuals?
A Reducept subscription costs 14.95 per month. An annual subscription costs 149 per year. The Oculus Go (32gb) is available at Coolblue at a starting price of 229 euro (prices may vary).
For which types of pain does Reducept work?
Installing Reducept on the Oculus Go
Unanswered questions? Please let us know! We are happy to help.
Our team is available on business days between 9 am to 5 pm.